Safety Bricks
Novas mudanças no layout... Estou sentada na beirada da cama, com as costas na parede, vendo pela janela o céu das seis da tarde, cinza, quase virando noite, minha árvore, o muro de tijolos escurecidos da minha casa, o prédio do outro lado da rua e suas janelas fechadas graças ao friozinho de outono que chegou hoje. Bebendo café preto, com minha gatinha preta descansando no meu ombro e o Heathcliff mesclado no tapete claro da mesma cor que ele. Ouvindo Broken Social Scene e pensando na vida. Sempre pensando na vida. Gosto de pensar. Gastar horas e horas pensando em tantas coisas e em nada ao mesmo tempo.
New layout changes... I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, with my back against the wall, looking throught the window, I see the six o'clock sky, gray, almost becoming night, my tree, the dark brick wall of my house, the building across the street with its closed windows thanks to the chilly autumn air that arrived today. Drinking black coffee, with my black kitty resting its head on my shoulder and Heathcliff merged with the rug that has the exact same color as its fur. Listening to Broken Social Scene and thinking about life. Always thinking about life. I like to think. Spend hours and hours thinking about so much and nothing all at once.
New layout changes... I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, with my back against the wall, looking throught the window, I see the six o'clock sky, gray, almost becoming night, my tree, the dark brick wall of my house, the building across the street with its closed windows thanks to the chilly autumn air that arrived today. Drinking black coffee, with my black kitty resting its head on my shoulder and Heathcliff merged with the rug that has the exact same color as its fur. Listening to Broken Social Scene and thinking about life. Always thinking about life. I like to think. Spend hours and hours thinking about so much and nothing all at once.