Get It Like You Like It

Our house reflects who we are. It shelters us and conforts us from the outside world. In many ways, it is our very large and personal womb, where we keep all that matters to us in some level, where we welcome those we are found of. So, do yourself a favor and make it as much to your liking as possible.
First 3 pics gathered around the web, on blogs I love and follow. Last one is a shot from a couple years ago from my room.

Ps: isn't the second picture just amazing? I wish I lived there.


trishie disse…
I love your room, the big window and the paper cranes makes it so very pretty.
Nathalie disse…
yes, I love this window too, and there's always so much light coming throught it. As for the paper cranes, well, it comes a time in every designer's life where you find you have no more room to store drawings and you take the easy way out :)
thanks for commenting dear!
Dallas Shaw disse…
so nice. I really like the wallpaper. it's always been a favorite...

AK disse…
Hi dear. I was here by mistake, but I am following by purpose! Loved the pics. I also wish I lived in the room shown in the second pic. It looks heavenly. MY second choice would be ur room itself. COme and dropby when u get a chance!
starbrained disse…
The first picture is amazing.

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