Time Is On Your Side

This week I'm going to quit my job. I'll talk to my boss (who's a very nice lady, btw) and give her my 4 weeks notice.
I'm doing this because I'm about to turn in my au pair application at CI and I want to be free to travel as soon as I find a nice host family. And also because I have a huge translation work to finish in September, before I leave.
I feel very light and happy to have achieved some of the goals that I had set for myself this year and to see that my dreams are many steps closer to coming true.
Two thirds of 2010 have gone by and although now I can say the months have gone by in a blink, God only knows when you're in the middle of working hard for something that is miles away from happening, it seems time will drag on forever.


starbrained disse…
I'm so happy that you're so much closer to seeing your dreams come true. This makes me feel inspired.

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