
So, as you all must probably know, for the past year or so there has been a lot of talk about adult coloring books.
Some people are crazy about them, some people think they're silly and a waste of time and some could care less about them.
As a design and art enthusiast I reckon you guys can imagine where I fall in this range, right?
Since about this time last year, I have been crazy about coloring books!

It all started when I saw other people raving about Johanna Basford's Secret Garden. I just knew I had to have one as well. I showed it to my mother too, and we both got copies and started coloring away. At that time, we shared an office and sat back to back with our coloring books and pencils, coloring for hours and then sharing our work with each other.

More books came out, our collection grew, I moved house, and then we would visit each other and take our coloring supplies along, to spend more time together on our hobby.
Now, I'm the proud owner of 12 coloring books and much shorter coloring pencils. I've colored several pages in my books and it has became such a passion that I even started sharing my work online on a separate Instagram account (since my personal one is set to private).
I've been following other people's progress on their own books, learning new techniques, improving my own, and all that.

No matter what people say against them, I just think coloring books are a wonderful idea, either for unwinding, or for improving your skills. They stimulate creativity and train coordination, besides being an excellent activity to share with a friend or loved one.

If you happen to agree and also like to color, or if you would like to start coloring, I suggest following colorists online both on Instagram and YouTube. I have also filmed a few tutorials and reviews and uploaded them to my YouTube channel! If you'd like to check that out, go follow me on:

Instagram: @nacolore


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