Feels So Good

Oh, how I love this song. I'ts "La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams. I'm listening to his album, Gold, a lot lately. It's just amazing.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

The images are all from blogs I follow and love. Sadly, I have the awful habit of visiting them, saving pictures that I like and not keep track of which came from where...so... Just visit them all, it'll be worth your time, I assure you.


Lina disse…
passando pra deixar um oi...li seu longo post...miga queria poder te ajudar de alguma forma...acho q vou asaltar um banco so pra te mandar pro Canada pra te ver realizada.....mas vc vai conseguir tenha certeza...bom precisamos conv vou te ligar assim q tiver um tempo ....te adoro Take Care ...bjosss
Nathalie disse…
Ai Lininha eu te amo!
vc me mata....aii...Simm precisamos conversar!!! Eu queria mto falar com vc, descobrir se vc já está noiva e tudo o mais...mas to sem telefone!!! ahrgggg....
beijooo linda!

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