
"Chega de ficar quebrando a cara com os velhos erros

Eu quero cometer erros novos

Passar por situações diferentes, situações desconhecidas

sair da rotina e do lugar comum

Esse ano eu preciso crescer!

Chega de saber a saída e ficar parado na porta

ensaiando os passos sem nunca entrar na estrada

esperando que me venha o que eu preciso encontrar

Esse ano se eu tiver que sofrer será por sofrimentos reais

Nunca mais por males imaginários

preocupado com coisas que jamais acontecerão!

Chega de planejar o futuro e tropeçar no presente

Chega de pensar de mais e fazer de menos

Chega de pensar de um jeito e fazer de outro

Chega do corpo dizer sim e a cabeça dizer não

Chega desses intermináveis conflitos

que me fazem adiar para o nunca a minha decisão

Este ano eu vou viver."

(Vinícius de Morais)

"Enough with hitting my head on the wall for old mistakes

I wanna make new ones

Go through diferent situations, unknown situations

leave behind daily routine and common places

This year I need to grow!

Enough with knowing the exit and standing still on the doorway

reharsing the steps without ever joining the road

hoping that will come to me whatever it is I need to find

This year if I have to suffer it will be for real sufferings

Never again for imaginary problems

worring about things that will never be!

Enough with planning the future and stumbling upon the present

Enough with thinking too much and doing too little

Enough with thinking one way and acting the other

Enough with the body saying yes and the head saying no

Enough with these endless conflicts

that make me postpone to never my decision

This year I will live."

Ps: (Very out of context, just so you know) Everytime I use the word "enough" I remember that scene in the movie "Love Actually", where Andrew Lincoln's character goes to visit Keira Knightley's character at christmas night, to silently wish her merry christmas and then, after he goes away he says to himself: "Enough... enough now" Ahhh... I just love that movie so much!!!


starbrained disse…
I love this. It's very fitting for me. Especially this part:

Enough with thinking too much and doing too little

Enough with thinking one way and acting the other

Enough with the body saying yes and the head saying no

Enough with these endless conflicts

that make me postpone to never my decision

This year I will live.

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